Thursday 31 October 2019

Sashay Dance Delivers Lecture at Leeds Business School

Earlier this week Sarah Hough – Director of Sashay Dance, visited Leeds Beckett University Business School to deliver a lecture on her top business tips and share her journey with Sashay Dance. 

Sarah started Sashay Dance as a hobby in 2016 and quickly had to learn the ropes of business due to the company’s rapid growth.  She started dancing at the age of 6 and this has been her main passion in life.  One of her top business tips would be to set up a business based on your passion, as not only will that give you and your customers the most joy, it will also keep you going in the tough world of business when at times you may feel like giving up.

Part of the lecture of course had to involve getting the students up dancing which she managed to do under another tip around ‘getting out of your comfort zone’!

We really hope the tips helped and wish all the business students massive success in the exciting world of business. 

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